(short documentary film)




(short documentary film)

7 minutes, Colombia 2017

Produced by Cameo Cine

7 Minuten, Kolumbien 2017

Produziert von by Cameo Cine

7 minutes, Colombia 2017

Produced by Cameo Cine

Directed by David Rueda Quintero

Regisseur: David Rueda Quintero

Directed by David Rueda Quintero

Short documentary about Geo von Lengerke, german imigrant and bonvivant who revolutionized colombian freight industry and left his mark on society in the 19th century.

Eine kurze Dokumentation über Geo von Lengerke, einen deutschen Einwanderer und Bonvivant, der einen großen Einfluss auf die kolumbianische Transportindustrie und Gesellschaft im 19.Jahrhundert hatte und viele Spuren hinterlassen hat.

Short documentary about Geo von Lengerke, german imigrant and bonvivant who revolutionized colombian freight industry and left his mark on society in the 19th century.

© Anton Wenzel 2020

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© Anton Wenzel 2020

Use, duplication or distribution of the images, videos or other media contained on this website

in any media as a whole or in parts requires prior written approval.

© Anton Wenzel 2020

Use, duplication or distribution of the images, videos or other media contained on this website

in any media as a whole or in parts requires prior written approval.